My internship with CRS Temporary Housing has far surpassed any expectations I had prior to starting. I hoped that my internship would provide me with knowledge that could not have otherwise been earned from a book, would challenge me personally and professionally and would teach me new skills necessary to succeed in this industry. My time with CRS Temporary Housing has met my expectations as well as provided me with confidence to perform tasks and projects that I otherwise thought impossible.
Upon completion of my internship in May, I am hoping to grow into a full-time position with benefits with CRS Temporary Housing. Ideally, I would like to stay in the Marketing Communication department and take on new responsibilities, such as event and conference coordination, with a new title. I am keeping my fingers crossed, however, if that position is not available immediately, I would like to explore other areas of the company as well. CRS Temporary Housing is an amazing company that is employee-centered and I am confident that any position in this company would be a blessing.
Last Thursday Sara Owen visited CRS Temporary Housing and spent an hour inquiring about my internship with myself and my supervisor Meagan. I shared some of my greatest strengths and challenges during this internship with Sara. I mentioned that my greatest strength was my growth of responsibility and taking on new projects, along with a new skill for time management and asking questions. I also mentioned my greatest weakness is knowing my limitations within my job at CRS Temporary Housing. It has been a daily challenge and humbling experience knowing just how far I can push myself. Being a “go-getter” I have had to remind myself that I cannot become the CEO in a matter of weeks, rather pay my dues and slowly grow with promotions.
When Sara and I spoke, I mentioned that one skill that sets the three full-time employees apart from myself is their knowledge of Photoshop & Illustrator and Sara mentioned that ASU offers classes that teach you how to use these software programs on all four campuses. I plan to research these educational opportunities in hopes of adding these skills to my resume before officially applying for a full-time Marketing position with CRS Temporary Housing. By continuously learning new skills, I hope to propel my professional success and continue to grow with CRS Temporary Housing.
I am pleased to share that once Sara’s Site Visitation was over I received an email from the Vice President of CRS Temporary Housing, Fawn asking me to evaluate myself in various areas of my job on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being expert.
Below is my response:Rate myself:
5-Lit fulfillment
3-View/Group creation in SFDC
4-Travel coordination
2-IYA email distribution
5-Collateral preparation for sales travel
Average Event coordination-3
1-Golf event
4-Cocktails/Happy Hour/Social Event
4-Unit meeting
There are some areas where I feel I have more room for improvement and growth, especially with IYA emails & Event Coordination. Shannon has gone over the process of IYA email distribution with me once before, but it is something I would need more training in before I would feel confident enough to do on my own. Along with IYA emails, event coordination is an area with need for improvement since I have very little experience with that as well.
Here is Fawn’s email response:
Hi Brianna!
Wonderful to hear! I am very excited to tell you that I want to give you more responsibility! It would be great to see you perform at expert level by the end of your internship so that we can evaluate you as such for a long-term position (provided you’re interested, of course).
I have asked Roxanne to provide SFDC training options for me so that you can learn to use SFDC as necessary for all MarCom functionalities. I will let you know what we come up with. In the meantime, I do want you to shadow each and every thing that Shannon does in SFDC so that you can take a portion of that responsibility from her. I will send an email out to both of you communicating this.
Additionally, I think the AICI golf outing next month will give you ample insight as to how a tourney works and what you need to do behind the scenes to prepare appropriately.
Thanks, Brianna, for being such a dynamo on our team!
Fawn Cheng
Vice President
CRS Temporary Housing